
Nail art

Water marbel, toning with sponge, spun sugar, croc nail effect, graffiti, magnetic, structure, caviar, nail art stickers, stones, glitter and French manicure.


The possibilities are endless. And much you can do by yourself using some tape, water, toothpicks, sponges and other things you have at home.

White nail polish

It's good to have a white nail polish that is covering, preferably it should be enough to use one layer.


Firstly, it is good to use when making "Water marbel" and secondly, it is a good primer if the color you have is a little transparent. A bit like painting walls, prime with white first.

Test painting on artificial nails

In order to test a variety of techniques and color combinations at the same time I use artificial nails to test on. You will also notice how the nailpolish works with the technique you want to try.


But keep in mind that it is usually easier to paint on an artificial nail because you can paint with which hand you want. When you are right handed, it is usually a bit tricky to get to it just as nicely on the right hand (the same for the left if you are left handed). So try to paint with the "wrong" hand on a replacement nail first.

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